The Grip II extends the legacy of Rascall Flatts founding member and bass player, Jay DeMarcus’ original Grip nearly doubling the square footage into a sprawling recording complex. It features a new control room housing a new SSL AWS Plus console in an Argosy Mirage desk anchored by a PhantomFocus System™ Three – Near Field.
Part of Jay’s guitar and bass arsenal is built against the rear control room wall/ axial mode absorber as a diffusive element and the side walls utilize acoustic louvered and mirrored modules. The new tracking room acoustics are enhanced with stone and diffusive/absorptive floating modules and two ISO booths one named “Phone Booth” with an actual pay phone. Also, “a spring loaded” remote amp closet and hidden computer closet round out some of the features of this remarkable facility.
The “Foyer Of Fame” with its glass door elevator give way to a separate production suite call “The Wine Cellar” with it’s own PFS-Four and a full blown screening lounge/man room with multiple plasma and LCD screens that are revealed behind an electric eleven-foot wide acoustically perforated cinema screen with a custom CTD/JBL Synthesis six woofered sound system.