As part of Jay Demarcus’s The Grip studios, The Cock Pit was an afterthought idea of what originally was to be a small private office. Jay wondered if it could be made into an editing suite. I paused for a couple of seconds and then suggested that we could install a PhantomFocus System™ in it and we were off and running. Needless to say that creating a world class 20Hz to 20KHz monitoring system in a space that was 7’ wide, 9’ deep and had a front wall 4’ high that vaulted up due to the roof line was a huge challenge. The sweet spot is nothing short of daunting and was a favorite topic at a recent AES lecture. When I showed the transfer function frequency graphs on the power point screen of before and after the protocol was implemented, there was an audible gasp from the audience without them even hearing the room. That was a lot of fun.