- We help audio professionals elevate their monitoring to the industry's highest standards by implementing our acclaimed PhantomFocus™ technology -

Hi Everyone,
Carl Tatz here. I'm very excited to announce that I am introducing a new three-episode blog series called MixRoom Mentor™ that will be helpful for engineers, producers and studio owners. I'll be explaining the philosophies and protocols of the acclaimed PhantomFocus™ System while sharing valuable information and tools that anyone can put to use in their own mix room. Whether you are just starting out in your audio career or are already a seasoned pro, I will be providing insights and tools to help you bump up your game and make your job more productive and enjoyable.
One of the reasons that I've created the MixRoom Mentor series is to share what we've learned after designing so many award-winning PhantomFocus MixRoom™ studios and installing even more PhantomFocus™ Systems across the country over the last decade-plus. I realize that not everyone is necessarily financially postured, at least early on, to have us install a PhantomFocus System let alone a full-blown PhantomFocus MixRoom, but there are some simple principles that I can share that are very worthwhile if understood and applied.
In the past, my approach to acoustics, and monitoring in particular, had often gone against the grain of conventional approaches in the industry, and yet our client satisfaction rate continued to bat a thousand. Now we see manufacturers and audio professionals beginning to nod to some of our philosophies and teachings in their product offerings and recommendations. In the Mix Room Mentor Series, you will learn about field-tested and proven techniques and observations that you won't hear about from anyone else. And you don't have to take my word for it: our clients speak for themselves in their testimonials in the current PhantomFocus Brochure
Summing up, in the MixRoom Mentor series episodes we want to help as many serious engineers and studio owners as we can by sharing some of our proprietary recommendations right out of the pages of the PhantomFocus protocols playbook that have worked so successfully for so many. And it's FREE!
We plan to release the first episode on 3/22/21 so
if you are serious about your monitoring and want to learn about stuff you won't find anywhere else that will show you exactly how you can greatly improve your monitoring, then you definitely won't want to miss this helpful and informative series. If you are not yet on the mailing list, you can sign up here. Everyone on our regular mailing list will receive it automatically and feel to share it with an audio professional that you think would benefit from receiving it by clicking on the mail icon below. 

Best regards, 